7 Reasons Why Making Mistakes Is Better Than Faking Perfection

Making mistakes and collecting practical experience is an unavoidable part of our lives and certainly, something that helps us grow mentally and spiritually.

However, not everyone allows themselves to grow and learn from their mistakes because most people hate making mistakes when in fact, they should love their mistakes. Instead, they choose to fake perfection and end up miserable. In this article, we will discuss the 7 main reasons why making mistakes is better than faking perfection.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Making Mistakes Makes Us Smarter and Stronger
  • Making Mistakes Awakens Our Creativity
  • Making Mistakes Improves Our Intuition and Sharpens Our Focus
  • Making Mistakes Can Teach Us That Light Can’t Exist Without Darkness
  • Making Mistakes Helps Us Feel Alive
  • Making Mistakes Is the Only Way to Become an Expert at Something
  • Making Mistakes Makes You a Better Person
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

#1 Making Mistakes Makes Us Smarter and Stronger

When we make mistakes, we gain experience and think twice before we take some action or say something. This leads to the conclusion that making mistakes can make us smarter; however, it can also make us stronger once we accept what we did and learn from it. We should not be ashamed of our mistakes but rather embrace them as they make us better and more knowledgeable individuals.

#2 Making Mistakes Awakens Our Creativity

Once we make a wrong assessment of something or make an unexpected mistake, our creative side comes to the fore and ‘forces’ us to think of a more creative way to deal with similar situations in the future. Except for this, people who make mistakes and are in pain because of it but accept the consequences are prone to create art that expresses their feelings. Therefore, making mistakes not only improves our problem-solving skills but also helps us become more creative.

#3 Making Mistakes Improves Our Intuition and Sharpens Our Focus

We are always paying more attention to details and follow our intuition once we make a mistake, even if it’s something that we were absolutely sure to completely know before we made the mistake. Also, we focus on the little details more than the entire picture because a person never stumbles from mountains but from stones. Therefore, making mistakes can help us improve our intuition and sharpen our focus.

#4 Making Mistakes Can Teach Us That Light Can’t Exist Without Darkness

How can we make a difference between right and wrong if there aren’t mistakes? Accepting your mistakes means accepting the fact that life consists of good and bad moments, and that’s fine because light can’t exist without darkness, can it? Therefore, making mistakes can teach us that it’s okay to fail sometimes and that we should embrace it as a natural part of life.

#5 Making Mistakes Helps Us Feel Alive

It’s simple – you better be sorry for the things you’ve done rather than for the things you’ve missed and choose to skip, scared that you might make a mistake if you do what you want. Therefore, making mistakes helps us feel alive and reminds us that we are humans and not robots.

#6 Making Mistakes Is the Only Way to Become an Expert at Something

As one of America’s greatest inventors once said: ‘I have not failed but found 10,000 ways that don’t work – an amazing and instructive quote that you should read after making a mistake. Mistakes are your bricks for building your road to success. Many great people who are still mentioned today had this perception about mistakes, and when they could accept and use them in order to become the best in their field of work, why can’t you? Therefore, making mistakes is the only way to become an expert at something.

#7 Making Mistakes Makes You a Better Person

Ultimately, making mistakes can lead to personal growth and self-improvement. By accepting our mistakes and learning from them, we become more humble, empathetic, and understanding individuals. We are able to connect with others on a deeper level and can provide valuable insight and advice based on our experiences. Making mistakes is an integral part of the human experience, and we should embrace them rather than hide from them. In doing so, we become better versions of ourselves and live more fulfilling lives.

Making mistakes is not something to be ashamed of. Instead, it should be embraced and appreciated for the invaluable learning opportunities that it presents. By accepting our mistakes, we can learn from them, grow stronger and wiser, and ultimately become better versions of ourselves.

So the next time you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, take a step back, reflect on what went wrong, and use that experience to grow and improve. Remember, there is no such thing as perfection, but there is always room for growth and improvement.


Q: Why do people fear making mistakes?

A: People fear making mistakes because they associate it with failure and negative consequences. However, making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and can lead to personal growth and development.

Q: Can making too many mistakes be harmful?

A: Making too many mistakes without learning from them can be harmful as it can lead to repetitive patterns and negative outcomes. However, making mistakes in moderation and learning from them can be beneficial.

Q: How can I overcome my fear of making mistakes?

A: One way to overcome the fear of making mistakes is to reframe your perspective and view mistakes as learning opportunities. Another way is to practice self-compassion and recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process.

Q: Is it better to learn from your own mistakes or from others’ mistakes?

A: Both learning from your own mistakes and learning from other’s mistakes can be beneficial. However, learning from your own mistakes can lead to a deeper understanding and personal growth.

Q: Can making mistakes lead to success?

A: Making mistakes can lead to success if we learn from them and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Many successful people have embraced their mistakes and used them as stepping stones to achieve their goals.


Also Read: Do Positive Thoughts Really Help Us? 

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