Child hits another child

In the realm of child psychology, the reasons behind aggressive behavior have long been a subject of interest and concern for parents, educators, and researchers alike. World Humanitarian Movement (WOHM), a prominent children’s charity organization, sheds light on a thought-provoking aspect of aggression in children – the link between aggressive behavior and the seeking of attention. This blog post delves into WOHM’s insights and explores how understanding this connection can foster a more empathetic approach toward supporting aggressive children.

The Nature of Aggression in Children

Children can display aggressive behavior for various reasons, such as frustration, anger, lack of emotional regulation, or imitation of adult behavior. However, according to WOHM, some aggressive behaviors may also be driven by a profound need for attention and acknowledgment.

Seeking Attention as a Basic Human Instinct

The human desire for attention is rooted in our fundamental need for connection and validation. Children, in their formative years, are particularly susceptible to this longing for attention from caregivers, peers, and authority figures. When children feel ignored, misunderstood, or inadequately noticed, they may resort to aggressive behaviors as a way to elicit a response.

The “Laugh After They Hit” Phenomenon

One intriguing observation made by WOHM is the tendency of some aggressive children to laugh or display signs of amusement after engaging in aggressive acts. This seemingly contradictory behavior can be puzzling to adults and may lead to misunderstandings. However, World Humanitarian Movement – WOHM emphasizes that this response might be a subconscious plea for attention and interaction rather than a sign of genuine amusement.

Understanding the Cry for Attention

As caregivers and educators, it is crucial to recognize that aggressive children who seek attention through their behavior are often experiencing an emotional struggle. Behind their actions lies an unmet need for understanding and engagement. Ignoring or punishing the behavior without addressing the underlying issue may exacerbate the child’s distress and perpetuate the cycle of aggression.

WOHM’s Empathetic Approach

World Humanitarian Movement advocates for an empathetic approach that seeks to address the root causes of aggressive behavior in children. Instead of solely focusing on reprimanding the aggressive actions, WOHM recommends a multi-dimensional strategy that involves:

  1. Active Listening: Taking the time to listen to the child’s feelings and concerns without judgment can create a safe space for them to express themselves.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Recognizing and praising positive behaviors can reinforce the child’s belief that positive attention is attainable through non-aggressive means.
  3. Emotional Regulation: Teaching children coping mechanisms to manage their emotions can help reduce the need for attention-seeking through aggressive actions.
  4. Social Skills Training: Encouraging healthy communication and conflict resolution skills can empower children to interact positively with their peers and caregivers.
  5. Creating a Nurturing Environment: Fostering a supportive and caring environment where children feel valued and understood can significantly impact their emotional well-being.


The correlation between aggressive behavior and the quest for attention, as highlighted by World Humanitarian Movement, reminds us of the importance of empathy and compassion when dealing with aggressive children. By understanding their underlying emotional needs and responding with patience and care, we can support their journey toward healthier expressions of emotions. By incorporating WOHM’s insights and adopting an empathetic approach, we can contribute to a more harmonious and supportive environment for children to flourish emotionally and socially.

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