7 ways to Stay Motivated All The Time

Have you been lately experiencing fatigue, not enjoying what you do, indecision, lack of motivation, laziness, etc.? If so, or if you experience this from time to time, this article is for you. When we get into this cycle, it is tough to get out. What we will talk about below can be useful to get out of this cycle. But let’s not forget that you will see results if you apply them for at least two or three weeks. Change requires effort and practice.

1. Remind yourself why you want to do the thing you want to do:

The questions to ask ourselves before we start our goal should be, “What will doing this bring me? What kind of person will it make me? What am I doing this for?”. And remind yourself of your answers to these questions every time you feel compelled to start.

2. Make a plan:

Making and achieving monthly, weekly and daily plans increase our motivation. Note that these plans and schedules must include vacation days and times. Start with small steps in the first weeks of planning and gradually increase these steps.

3. Avoid unrealistic and unattainable goals:

The consequence of setting goals that are too big is low motivation. Because the more we push ourselves, the more our minds think that we can’t do it, and our energy decreases. Instead of starting with big goals, small and realistic goals are much more beneficial. Every time we achieve small goals, our mind gets the message, “it’s not that hard; I can do it” and releases more happiness hormones to make us do it again.

4. First action, then motivation:

Too often, we wait to be motivated to take action. This is one of the most common mistakes and traps us in a vicious circle. Taking action even when we are not actually motivated will bring our motivation. For example, you go to the gym even though you are initially reluctant, but as time goes by, you feel more accomplished and thus more motivated.

5. Add something you enjoy to what you do:

For goals that are too difficult to take action on, you can add something you like to make it a little easier. For example, turning on your favorite music while studying, lighting a candle, or riding a bike instead of walking to the gym are some examples.

6. Make changes in your life:

Imagine repeatedly watching a movie with the same scene. Even if you enjoy it at first, you will get bored over time as it is the same scene. This also applies to the work we do. Being in the same cycle brings the feeling of boredom after a while. Therefore, adding new things to your life and the things you do would be useful. Some examples are moving the desk, taking a different route to school, meeting/meeting different friends, and taking a different course.

7. Focus on the process, not the outcome:

When our goal is to get to the top of a mountain, we can only get to the top. If we walk by staring at the top only, we won’t see the stones in the road, and we won’t be able to enjoy the moment, always wondering, “when will I catch up?”. Instead, enjoying the journey itself, enjoying the scenery during the journey gives us more pleasure. This example applies to every aspect of our lives. When we have a goal, focusing only on the outcome of that goal negatively affects our motivation. Instead, focusing on the process makes it more enjoyable.

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Yusuf Doğrusözlü:
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