The Universe Might Be Conscious, Scientists Say

Consciousness and its core have taken the interest of many people around the world from the moment it was introduced to the society. In today’s world, it is more about the interest of physicists, cognitive scientists and neuroscientists. There are several outstanding theories about this. The first one is materialism. This is the view that consciousness occurs as a result of the firing of neurons in our brain.

The second theory is the mind-body duality. This may be more common in religion or spirituality. According to this, consciousness is separated from the substance. The one we call the soul is part of individual’s another self.

The third option, which started to take place in some scientific circles, is panpchism. According to this view, the whole universe comes from the consciousness.

Although some scientists look positively to the theory, this view is still a matter of great controversy. In fact, pacificism is similar to what we call a tremendous universal deity that all of us are familiar from the Brahman of Hindus and Buddhists. According to Buddhism, the only thing that exists is consciousness.

When a tree falls in a forest where no one is, will it make a sound?

We must realize that all our experiences are filtered and interpreted by our minds. If there was no consciousness to be able to observe, the universe would not exist. According to some physics circles, generic theory is a kind of proto-conscious field.

In quantum space, particles that are observed or measured do not have a definite shape or specific position. Is this a proto-consciousness form in your own cast? According to John Archibald Wheeler, a recent physicist, and philosopher who suggested the term “black hole” says that every piece of the substance sucks a piece of consciousness from the field of proto-consciousness.

According to “Participatory Humanistic Principle” theorem, a human is the key point of the observing process. Wheeler, in this regard, says, “We are the ones who create, both close and present, as well as far and away.” According to his view of Buddhism, nothing can exist unless there is the consciousness that can grasp it.

At the same time, Although not much progress has been made yet, more information can be obtained from the space telescope Gaia, the space agency of the European Space Agency, that can support or weaken this view in the future. On another front, Dr. Matloff suggests that the proto-consciousness field can be used instead of the dark matter.

Although scientists have never been found before, it is believed that the universe constitutes about 95% of dark matter. If so, if consciousness comes from a combination of particles at an atomic level, how do these little particles of consciousness come together?Neuroscientist and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is suggesting a theory which he calls it integrated knowledge theory, where he looks at panpchism in a different way. According to him, consciousness is a place of reality, physical, but a position we have not been able to find its location anywhere else in the universe.

Dr. Tononi actually explains to what degree consciousness is something with a metric with a measure of phi. This is a demonstration of how much control an entity has on objects in or around him or her. The theory differentiates what many people cannot differentiate,  intelligence and the consciousness.

Take artificial intelligence as an example. Even from now on, it is capable of many things as human beings but it doesn’t have free will.In this case, a super-computer in the future who is capable of doing things without having a command might have a consciousness that can change the world. Many futurists, from Ray Kurzweil to Elon Musk, believe that we need to get ready for that day because it can come in the next decade.

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