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The End Of Classical Education: Finland Is Getting Rid Of Maths, Physics and Chemistry

More or less, all of us are familiar with the human independence, democracy and self-development when it comes to Scandinavian Peninsula.

When it is about education, all the Scandinavian Peninsula countries are battling, however, Finland seems to be the top of these countries.

According to many researches, Finland is on the top for the educational systems. Still, they do not stop, they are at a stage of historical reform in their education systems. To this reform, we can say it is the end of the education system that we already know.

No more maths!

By 2020, Fin officials are thinking about removing classical curricula completely from the school. No more physics, mathematics, literature, history, geography, or anything like that!

Marjo Kyllönen explains what they will do as the follows:

“There are schools that are teaching in the old fashioned way which was of benefit in the beginnings of the 1900s – but the needs are not the same and we need something fit for the 21st century.”

Well what does it mean? What kind of an educational model is considered?

Instead of classical lessons, events and phenomena will be handled in an interdisciplinary manner. For example, the Second World War will be examined in terms of history, geography and mathematics. In addition to this, students who will take a lesson like “Cafeteria Services” will learn about communication skills, English and economics education in a practical way. Students will also be able choose the topics they want to study.

For example, a student would not have to see all the units in chemistry or physics classes and pass them on the exam. They will only be responsible for the topics they choose. Thus, the students will not ask the question “Why would I need this course? Is it actually useful in real life?”

And the change is not limited to that! The traditional form of teacher-student communication will also completely change.

Students will no longer be able to just sit at school. Instead, they will work together in small groups to fully discuss the issues.

These changes in the Fin education system will encourage collective work. This will undoubtedly impress teachers. Teachers will need to cooperate on different topics. Almost 70% of the teachers in Helsinki have already started to provide the necessary information in accordance with the new system and to undertake preparatory work.

Of course, all these changes and development will be reflected in teachers’ fees as well.

The system will begin with students at the age of 16. Changes to be made are expected to be completed by 2020.

Reference: The Independent
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