Can Dogs Really Do Simple Math?

Dogs, our best friends. More or less, we are all familiar that they have some kind of an understanding of the world, especially an understanding of us, human beings. Knowing that dogs h/ave certain talents and abilities would not shock us much, like an ability to do certain math tasks.

Professor Keith Devlin, talks about dogs’ certain abilities. Furthermore, in 2003, Tim Pennings published his article at The College Mathematics Journal where he announced that his dog Elvis was seen as he could do some mathematical calculations.

Elvis, following the tennis ball thrown into the water, often ran for a while along the beach, then dived into the water to reach the ball as soon as possible. In other words, the dog, who could ran in different speed on land and in different speed on the sea, was jumping into the water exactly  for the moment he can reach the fastest from the point A to the point B. It is necessary to do a mathematical analysis to solve such a problem and it will take time. Adittionally, a study published in the College Mathematics Journal showed that dogs chose the most appropriate way to bring the ball.

If we present a dog with a pile with ten pieces of kibble and on the other hand a pile with two pieces of kibble; the dog would go to the pile containing ten pieces of kibble. This clearly shows that the dog who runs to a pile containing ten pieces of kibble, rather than to the pile next to it that contains only two pieces of kibble, have the ability to compare two groups of items; which is the judgement of numerosity.

Quantitative thinking is something most people don’t believe dogs are capable of where they actually can. If dogs are able to count, to do the judgement of numerosity, to solve some math problems, clearly they are capable of quantitative thinking; and quantitative thinking is the basis of maths. In this case, as a result, we can say that dogs actually have the ability of doing certain simple math tasks.


Dream Humanity

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