7 Tips To Control Your Emotions

Where our days pass with rushing and we cannot find even a moment to stop and to take a break inside of our little worlds, we actually need to be able to manage our thoughts and feelings but instead, we are living by being their victims.

As the years’ pass, we become very weak and unstable emotionally. Our happiness became depended on the external objects, we search for our balance on the external objects – we eat too much, drink alcohol, go to the shopping – and whenever we cannot reach these objects, our emotions lose its control. If we could only realize that the real happiness is inside of us. So, what should we do in such cases?

Yes, we can control our thoughts as well as our emotions, but since when we were children our parents didn’t teach us how to do it, because their parents also haven’t taught them. Our educational system, however, is only based on to the left hemisphere, in other words, it is only based on knowledge. What we really need to question is what is the purpose of  life? Why are we living for? And topics such as goals of the life, awareness of the self is not being explained in the school environment; consequently, we find ourselves inside of a life struggle. But the truth is, self-control is more than possible.

1. Be aware of the impact of colors on emotions:

There is a scientific explanation to the effect of color on the mood or emotion of an individual. The theory supports the idea that different colors bring various light frequencies and these can all affect the emotions of people in different ways. The blue color, is associated with decreased stress. Maybe that’s why the walls of therapist clinic’s are usually colored in a blue color. The blue color is also linked with decreased blood pressure on the individual. Meanwhile, yellow can inspire the feelings of happiness, so ensure that your surrounding has spatters of yellow. Reds are known for triggering aggression and anger and even hypertension, so make sure you stay away from the red color.

2. Take precautions:

Try to avoid situations that can trigger an undesirable emotional response. For instance, if you know you become angry if you be late, be ready earlier. Leave your home or your office earlier, in order not to be annoyed by the traffic lights or by the slow going elevators.

3. Choose green environments:

Whenever your emotions seems to lose control, go out for a walk into the nature. As you get exposure to trees, plants and animals, you are more likely to experience feelings of calmness, relaxation as well as reduced stress. Or, you can also put some green plants next to the window or on your desk, these can have an influence for achieving emotional equilibrium.

4. Shift your attention:

It is also possible to regulate your emotions without changing the environment, this can be achieved by focusing on different things. If you feel like you are going to lose your emotional balance, change your focus of attention to the non-emotional aspects of situation.  Just like when an actor shifts its attention and recalls an emotional memory to play the role better. This strategy can help you to reduce or enhance certain emotion.

5. Check your options before you react:

 If you become angry because your girlfriend went out late at the night, before you react aggressively, sit down and start to evaluate the options that are available. Try to talk to her and tell her that you become annoyed by this, or join her. Or if your internet connection suddenly is not working, instead of shouting out, seek for options such as calling the internet provider.

6. Learn to be happy with yourself:

Being happy with yourself simply means that you have to forgive yourself for the mistakes you have done, befriend yourself, accept yourself, and, love yourself. You have to forgive yourself for having negative thoughts, for showing rudeness towards your parents. You have to accept yourself as you are. It can be a challenge, but you can do it.

7. Meditate:

You can also use meditation mindfulness as an emotional regulatory strategy. Mindfulness is known as non-elaborative, non-judgmental, present-centered awareness in which thoughts, feelings, and sensations are accepted as they are. In other words, it is an acceptance of what happens at the moment. Focusing on the present moment when an annoyable emotion comes means to watch the emotion, to see what the emotion wants to do for you and what is its purpose. Soon you will realize that you are not your distractive emotions and all they want to do is to destroy you. Meditation as a strategy is very useful in controlling your emotions. For more information see: Steps and Practices To Live In The Present Moment


Images: Pixabay & Pexels  [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]

CopyrightDream Humanity



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