Positive Ways to Cope with Death

Losing someone or something precious to you can be an intense and emotional experience. Immense pain, sad memories and questions that were never answered can haunt your heart and mind. Most of the time, we feel as if we will never be the same again or we will never be whole or complete. There is no way to grieve the loss of someone without pain.

Work Through Your Loss

There are no healthy ways to grieve that allow you to take the next step forward. You should never let a loss drain you of all your joy. You should work through your loss and after enough time you will get better.

Facing Your Loss

After dealing with a loss, we often want to do anything that might take away from the pain we suffer. Some submit to horrible habits such as drugs, alcohol, oversleeping. You will never heal until you meet your loss head on. Distracting yourself and ignoring the pain will only work so long. No matter how much you do or how fast you run from it, grief will eventually catch up to you. Face your loss. It is ok to cry or grieve it is completely natural. When you acknowledge your grief you have started the process of conquering it.

Give Yourself Time

When death is fresh on your mind, grieving deserves 100% of your attention. Allow yourself a few days to a week to be sad. In severe cases, a month or two is fine. If you prolong grieving any more than that you might end up stuck in your loss, stuck in your self-pity and unable to take any steps forward.

Let Go of Your Pain

Everything is okay. Let your pain go. Be comfortable letting your tears stream. Don’t be afraid to cry, even if it is unusual to you. There isn’t a right or wrong way to feel pain or to express how you feel. Acknowledge your pain and work it out.

1. Make an outlet for Your Pain. If you decide that you want to assert yourself into an activity as you grieve, then do so, as long as it doesn’t harm you or others. Burying your head into a pillow, going for a long walk or run, throwing things, punching things, screaming your heart out or crying is just a few of the ways people use as an outlet for pain. All of these things are okay.

2. Be sure not to cause harm to yourself or others. Losing someone is not about inflicting pain to yourself or others. Those things will only make matters worse. The loss is a time reserved for you to learn how to heal and dipping into your emotional reserves.

Reach Out to Others

Feel free to share your emotions with other people. It is perfectly healthy to reach out to people who care for you when you are suffering. If you don’t have a friend, lean on someone compassionate possibly a priest or a therapist. Even if you feel you are rambling, dumping out some of the pain you are experiencing will only help you. All your ideas or thoughts don’t need to be reasonable or even coherent, as long as they are expressive.

No Regrets

You may feel guilty for a time after death. Your thoughts will be consumed with things you wish you had said or done. Don’t be consumed by your sense of guilt. There is no way to change the past. It is no one’s fault that someone you loved has passed. Focus on things you can do. Go through your emotions and take a step forward.


Just because a person has passed on doesn’t mean you should forget them. Even in death things, you remember will show you that the love or ties you had together are still there. Your relationship with another human being belongs to the both of you, and it will remain a part of you.

It’s Healthy to Feel Good Sometimes

Never feel bad that you feel good. You never know how long it will take you to heal from a loss. If you reclaim your happiness sooner than later, don’t feel guilty. When you feel you have recovered from a loss then it’s likely that you have.

Copyright: Dream Humanity

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